Around my neighborhood there are certain trees with unique star shaped leaves and cute (unless you step on them barefoot) spiky round seedpods. They may not be much to see....until mid-October, when they turn the most incredible deep red.
I'd never heard of a sweet gum tree until walks with the dogs brought me up close to these autumn beauties. This time of year I love seeing the changing color of leaves and variety among species - it's pretty spectacular!
Last week we made a vibrant orange/pink maple leaf quilt block, if you missed the tutorial, find it <here>. Each weekly block finishes 10" square.
This week, we continue our October leaf peeping with a Sweet Gum in all it's scarlet glory. For my blocks this month, I'm using prints from the Avant Solstice collection for the leaves and navy print from Mod Cloud fabric collection for background neutral.
Fabric Cutting
Pink fabric 1: (2) 3 1/2" squares; (2) 3" squares
Pink fabric 2: (2) 3 1/2" squares; (2) 3" squares; (1) 1" x 4 1/2" strip
Navy fabric: (4) 3 1/2" squares; (4) 3" squares
1. Match each pink 3 1/2" square, right sides facing, to a navy 3 1/2" square. Mark the back of the pink squares diagonally, corner to corner with a pen.
2. Sew 1/4" on both sides of the marked line. Cut on the marked line. Press half square triangle (HST) squares.
Trim to 3" square. Make four 3" HST squares with each pink fabric, or a total of 8.
3. Cut one of the 3" navy squares once on the diagonal to yield two half square triangles. Match one of these HST, right sides facing, the 1" x 4 1/2" pink strip. The long/angled side of the triangle should be centered to one long edge of the strip. Sew 1/4" seam.
Press toward the navy triangle.
4. Center the second 3" navy HST on the opposite side of the pink strip, matching the angled side of the triangle to the long edge of the strip. Sew and press.
5. Use a ruler and rotary cutter to trim the stem unit 3" square, making the ends of the pink strip 90 degree corners as shown above.
6. Arrange the block units in four rows. The first row starts with navy 3" square, then two pink HST (one of each fabric), then a navy 3" square. Note orientation of pink HST square units.
Row 2 starts with a pink HST square followed by two 3" pink squares -one of each fabric- then a second pink HST square. Note that the pink fabrics alternate and check the orientation of the HST squares.
Row 3 consists of the same units as row 2, but with the pink HST squares in different orientation. Refer to photo above for placement.
Row 4 starts with the stem unit, then two pink HST squares -one of each fabric- then a navy 3" square.
7. Sew the rows of fabric units together. Press rows 1 and 3 to the left and rows 2 and 4 to the right.
8. Sew the four rows together to finish the block. Press well.
OO la la! have to say, that hot pink with navy is looking HOT! While peak sweet gum color is still a week or two away, they are starting to turn. Our little block will very nearly hold its own with its counterparts in the natural world.
Happy Autumn,
Elaine Henry
Very nice product!
Dorothy Rainbow
💗 The hot pink and navy. Thanks Sharon you have good 👍 taste.
I love the pattern. My mother made one like this when I was a small girl, now I plan on using this pattern and make one. Thank you
Sherry Carey
Will there be anymore of this fabric available? I’m new to the quilting world and I wanted some precut squares but everything is sold out except the yardage. 😢😢
My birthday month is October, and I wanted to make myself a gift. 😊
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