Rotary Cutting Nerves Soothed

Rotary Cutting Nerves Soothed

Dear Geraldine,
Using a rotary cutter makes me SO nervous.
What can I do to keep my cool about rotary cutting??
-Chicken in Charleston

Dear 'Chicken,'

completely understand your trepidation! A rotary cutter is essentially a round razor blade and must be treated with respect...

(That said, it is SUCH a timesaver and makes precise cuts that scissors just can't match.)

There are lots of things you can do to protect your hands and calm your fears:

  • Measure twice, cut once. A confident cut is a safer cut.

  • If you are a beginner, try marking out your cuts first so you can cut more confidently.

  • Use a sharp rotary blade. Try titanium blades that stay sharp longer! A sharp blade won't skip, and requires less pressure to make the cut.

  • Use only enough pressure to make your cut. That way if you stray, the damage is minimized.

  • Use your quilting ruler to protect the piece you are cutting. I always picture that I am cutting away the margins of my desired finished cut piece.

  • For the love of all things holy, ALWAYS cut away from yourself.

  • Use a handle on your ruler to keep your hands out of the way. I recommend this one called The Ruler Grip.

  • If you are cutting strips, rectangles, or squares, use a slotted ruler. Your blade stays in a 'guide' and away from your hands.

These are the tips that helped me become confident with rotary cutting. Perhaps our dear readers have additional tips to share? Please comment below!

Love and happy sewing,

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I bought gloves that protect my hands from getting cut.
They are called Cut Resistant gloves. They worked for me.

Brenda Corson

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